45th anniversary of GJAR




    Jan Adam Rayman Gymnasium offers general education in two forms: a four-year study programme and a eight-year study programme. Students are prepared for their university studies. They finish their secondary education with school-leaving examinations. 

    Since 1 September 1998, the alternative curriculum has been the official curriculum at our school. The final year students have four compulsory subjects: Slovak language and literature, two foreign languages and physical education. Additionally they choose other subjects (18 lessons) according to their interests, future studies and occupations. In this way they can be better prepared for their university studies.




    Our gymnasium was founded in 1961. Since that time, there have been several changes at our school. The predecessor of our present-day school was a general secondary school, which was situated in Svojdomov Street (now Tarasa Ševcenka Street). In 1971 it was changed to a gymnasium.

    Up to now the school has had these headmasters. 

Sergej Krenický (1961 - 1962)
Anton Repka (1962 - 1972)
PhDr. Viliam Ovád (1972 - 1991)
PhDr. Tatiana Matlovičová (1991 - 1997)
RNDr. Miroslav Krajňák (1997 till now)

    In the year 1994, the school was named Jan Adam Rayman Gymnasium after the well-known Prešov doctor, pharmacist and scientist Jan Adam Rayman (1690 - 1770) who was the first doctor in Europe to inoculate patients against the plague. He was also interested in meteorological observations.

    The school was relocated in 1997 into a building at 20 Mudroňova Street because of the restitution of an ecclesiastical estate. It was built in 1958 and in the beginning it was a basic school. The building is more commodious than the previous one. The students can commute to school without any problems. It is situated near the river Torysa and is surrounded by a lot of green trees and bushes. 

    The building was reconstructed under the leadership of RNDr. Miroslav Krajňák. The school is comprised of both traditional classrooms and 12 special classrooms for teaching languages, ethics, aesthetics, the sciences and computer science as well as two gyms, a fitness centre, playground, garden and park. Since 1996, we have been using internet in our Internet Cafe.

    Since the school year 1998/1999 the eight-year gymnasium has been a part of our school and in the school year 2000/2001 a classroom specialized on informatics was established.




    Currently 44 teachers are teaching more than 550 students in 19 classes. Our gymnasium has gained high prestige in the Prešov region due to the efforts of the leadership, the teaching staff and the hard work of students and the support of parents. A high percentage of our students have been successful at entrance examinations for universities. Many students from other counties of East Slovakia attend our school.

    We participate in several educational programmes. The most interesting are the projects "Healthy School" and "Raymanus" in which students, parents, and teachers cooperate very closely.

    We also provide various out-of-school activities for students to develop their talent and abilities. Talented students are prepared for Olympiads and sports competitions. They have achieved excellent results in these events. 




    Prom night is one of the oldest traditions in our school. Several months before the school-leaving examination the students of the fourth form prepare the programme for the celebration. They are pinned with green ribbons which are symbols of hope. It reminds them they are approaching new periods in their lives.

"Immatriculation" is the celebration for the students of the first form to be accepted into "the students guild". The class is welcomed by the students of the fourth form who have prepared some original funny tricks for them to become "real" students of gymnasium. This celebration is finished with a discotheque.

    Rayman Week is one of the school's latest traditions. It is held annually in April. It is organized to honour Jan Adam Rayman who was known for his humanity. He was born and died in April. Seven colours of rainbow commemorate his personality:

Red signifies a gift
Orange means to spread smiles, pleasures and good words 
Yellow means to listen carefully
Green represents health
Blue symbolizes beauty
Indigo personifies wisdom
Purple stands for unity

    Our school is decorated with these seven colours and both students and teachers are dressed in one of these colours each day of the week. This activity has English roots and its original name was "Rainbow Game". We want to show the fellowship of students and teachers and to acknowledge that we realize the qualities symbolized by each of the colours of the rainbow. 

    Benefit concert is also one of the latest traditions. It has been occurring since 1998. It takes place in Jonáš Záborský Theatre either before Christmas or in February. Students and even teachers appear on the stage with their acts, e.g. dancing, singing, reciting poetry or playing an instrument.

    In May a farewell party for the students of the fourth form takes place in Jonáš Záborský Theatre. Each class shows the most successful parts of the earlier prom programmes. Then the students are introduced by their class teachers and the best students are given T-shirts with the logo of our school. It is an honour to wear such a T-shirt. Students thank their teachers and give them flowers while everyone listens to favourite songs selected by their teachers.